- 14.-18.10.2019 Minsk, Belarus - Final conference
Results of the project closing conference
On October 16th in the hall of Hotel Monastyrsky in Minsk were
summarized the results of the project closing conference. The
project partners said the closing words of the project; project
coordinator Laila Balga awarded 53 project participants with the
certificates of gratitude. Afterwards the dinner was held at the
hotel restaurant.
Proposals and conclusions prepared by the project partners during
this conference (on lessons learned from their visits to partner
countries and on the implementation of the basic principles of the
European Pillar of Social Rights, as well as on the role and
capacity of NGOs in ensuring social rights in partner countries)
will be compiled in a brochure and distributed to partner
organizations, and also submitted to the Nordic Council of
Ministers, the European Anti-Poverty Network and spread through the
media to the general public in the Baltic Sea region and elsewhere.
The project closing conference was organized by Laila Balga, the
EAPN-Latvia project coordinator, and Marina Borisova, Yuliya
Kukhtsinskaya and Anastasia Ryzhankova, the experts of the
Belarusian Foundation Interakcia.
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