ERASMUS+ Small-scale partnership
International activities
03-07.07.2023. Athens, Greece
Experience exchange seminar of NGO educators on
competencies for creating innovative courses for disadvantaged
groups - workshops' summary
From July 4 to 7, 2023, the Experience Exchange Seminar of NGO
educators took place in Athens, Greece, it was organized by Hellenic
Antipoverty Network, led by Spyridon Psychas, Project
The content of this international experience exchange seminar was
aimed at compiling and transferring knowledge and information on the
preparation of innovative training courses for the needs of
disadvantaged groups of population in the public environment, to
which NGOs contribute. The partners intend to use information
compiled by partner organizations, which was obtained by conducting
surveys of disadvantaged groups and by organizing local workshops on
training promotion issues. The operational nature of the partners
(the NGO networks) makes it necessary to inform other partners and
discuss during this international seminar the capacity of network
organizations with fewer opportunities to achieve their goals in
terms of innovative training courses. These activities address
issues related to providing knowledge and skills to the NGO
educators working on innovations for non-formal training courses.
Through presentations, informative materials and discussions, NGO
educators from Latvia, Estonia, Italy and Greece - Ineta Stadgale,
Eduards Soskovs, Ruta Pels, Leonid Smulskiy,
Jacopo Lascialfari, Lucia Scarlato, Spyridon Psychas,
Mado Baboula, Maria Tzanetaki, Asimina Lixourgioti,
Alex Nassos - shared their experiences and put together
proposals that will contribute to creating innovative courses for
disadvantaged groups in the partner countries and across Europe.
The seminar started with a welcome speech by the Mariannella
Kloka, HAN President. The project partner HAN introduced three
presentations to the participants and provided an opportunity to
share practical experiences related to successful social inclusion
in the partner organizations/institutions of Latvia, Estonia and
Italy. All information about the course of the seminar and the
achieved results was sent to the project partner from Sweden.
From the activity results, NGO educators from partner organizations'
networks were going to benefit: they are staff members, experts and
volunteer specialists, a total of 11 participants. The target group
members are people of different ages (27-65) and nationalities (5),
both sexes (6 women, 5 men), students (3), low-income workers (2),
with large family (1), pensioners (2). However, each target group
member's level of education (11 - higher education) and previous
experience in promoting non-formal adult education are key
determinants for them to participate and expand their knowledge in
this activity.
At the end of this seminar the achieved results were evaluated and
no less then 4 proposals of the participants were summarized.
Agenda (.pdf) >>